Posted by Jill Malek on
In 2008, after my working days as an in-house art director, I would go onto the rooftop of our 4th floor walk-up building. It was there, every day at dusk, that I would see hundreds of pigeons in the sky making rhythmic circles in the sky. Trained to follow the arm movements of one of the last remaining pigeon fanciers in Brooklyn, the birds would make synchronous, fluid movements against a sky that would change color as the evening hours approached. For me, the experience was life-changing. It was very meditative to experience this daily scene of fluid nature. It was during those days that I realized that capturing soft, natural movements and expressing them across an immersive surface could actually help to transform environments, and was capable of shifting the energy in a room. Wallpaper seemed like a perfect medium for this type of expression, and my first pattern, FLUX was born. Over the course of the following months, I would work tirelessly to create my first collection—all inspired by the frequencies found in nature—and then subsequently left my job to launch my own design company. My goal to this day has been to express beautiful “moments” in nature that can help to create a sense of calm, wonder and transformation.
The movement of the flocking birds has been an ongoing source of inspiration after all of these years. In 2020, after experimenting with non-repeating mural wallcoverings, a new pattern MIGRATION has been born. Migration is customized to your space, and the movement of these birds flows across the surface of your walls (or ceiling!). Digitally printed on a commercial-grade VOC-free substrate, the pattern can comfortably live in both commercial and residential worlds, and the scale and color can be easily shifted. The idea of customizing this beautiful pattern for my clients, knowing that the story of the moving birds has helped to fuel my company, brings so much joy.
I look forward to working with you and to spreading the beauty of soft forms in nature across your walls!
The Migration Wallcoverings are part of the Frequencies Collection.
View the full collection here
-Jill Malek